Sunday, 31 August 2014
Azumino Seed Center
Today, we visited a seed center in Azumino, Nagano Pref.
In the center, the various ideas of permaculture are adopted: keyhole garden, companion plants, compost toilet, bio geo filter.
The concept of permaculture is established by Bill Mollison in Australia, but it's originated in Asia.
F.H King's "Farmers of Forty Centuries or Permanent Agriculture in China,. Korea and Japan"
"We can learn traditional knowledge on nature and farming methods deeply rooted in Japan through permaculture.", said Mr. Usui.
In the seed center, various bottles of seeds are lined up on the shelf. visitors can borrow seeds but should back the seeds doubled. the roof of the center is covered with various plants.
website (Japanese only)

collecting seeds of parsnip.

Web: Shalom Guest House (Trip Advisor in English)
552-1 Aisome Ikeda-machi, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano prefecture 399-8602